An A-Z of Fun and Fascinating Facts about... Poo!

An A-Z of Fun and Fascinating Facts about... Poo!

In addition to its educational value, 'All Animals Poo and We Do Too' is a book that helps children learn and understand about their health.

By exploring the topic of poop in a fun and lighthearted way, the book encourages children to feel more comfortable and confident in discussing their bodies and the natural processes that occur within them. 

This can help to promote positive body image and self-esteem, as well as fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around them.

The book is also a great resource for parents and educators who are looking for ways to engage children. The second book in the series is 'The Curious History of the Toilet'. 

The third and fourth follow the adventures of an alien called Taboo.

Book one, by providing fascinating facts about different animal species and their poop, these books help to spark children's curiosity about the natural world and encourage them to ask questions and explore further. 

The book can be used as a springboard for discussions about biology, ecology, and the environment, making it a valuable addition to any classroom or home library.

Overall, 'All Animals Poo and We Do Too' is a book that offers both educational and emotional benefits.

With its engaging stanzas and writing style, humorous and colourful illustrations, plus fascinating subject matter, the book touches and applies to readers of all ages.